C. D. Tavenor is a science fiction and fantasy author based in Columbus, Ohio. Their published works include The Chronicles of Theren Trilogy and The War of Light, as well as Shattered Worlds: A SciFi & Fantasy Story Collection.
They're excited to tell stories that engage readers beyond a desire for entertainment, whether through philosophical inspiration or social inquiry. And they're a firm believer in connecting every piece of fiction to reality, whether through their themes or their settings.
In addition to their personal works, Tavenor coordinated the creation of Gaia Awakens: A Climate Crisis Anthology, the first book in The World's Revolution collaborative universe, featuring 16 authors from 6 different countries. When not writing, they enjoy the more than occasional board game, their favorite being Eclipse.
Find C. D. Tavenor on Twitter, and take a look at their books on Amazon. You won’t be disappointed.