C. D. Tavenor
C. D. Tavenor is a science fiction and fantasy author based in Columbus, Ohio. Their published works include The Chronicles of Theren Trilogy and The War of Light, as well as Shattered Worlds: A SciFi & Fantasy Story Collection.
They're excited to tell stories that engage readers beyond a desire for entertainment, whether through philosophical inspiration or social inquiry. And they're a firm believer in connecting every piece of fiction to reality, whether through their themes or their settings.
In addition to their personal works, Tavenor coordinated the creation of Gaia Awakens: A Climate Crisis Anthology, the first book in The World's Revolution collaborative universe, featuring 16 authors from 6 different countries. When not writing, they enjoy the more than occasional board game, their favorite being Eclipse.
Find C. D. Tavenor on Twitter, and take a look at their books on Amazon. You won’t be disappointed.
Kit Hanson
Kit Hanson is a science fiction and horror author based in Nashville, Tennessee. They love animals, tolerate people, and detest writing about themself in the third person.
Horror was a big part of Kit's childhood, and they strive to recapture that sense of terror and wonder for others to enjoy. Sometimes horror has a foothold in reality, and as a member of the LGBTQ community, they explore the oppression of marginalized people through fictional retellings of historical events.
When they aren’t writing, Kit can be found exploring forest trails, trapping themself in escape rooms, and playing video games with their cats, Tiger Lily and Todd.
You can find Kit on Twitter at: @KitsCanofWorms
Facebook: Facebook.com/kitscanofworms
Website: kitscanofworms.Wordpress.com
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Kimberly R. H. Tavenor
Kimberly R. H. Tavenor is the author of book I can’t Knit (And Other Things I Over Analyze), which has a currently unknown release date.