Two Doctors Review

The Two Doctors Review
The Two Doctors Review highlights the previously unknown indie-authors and their books, alongside our analysis of our favorite board games.
I still stand by my conclusion from when I finished Book 1: if you love the universe of Dragon Age, you will find a home with the Hollow Fate series. It’s epic fantasy with a compelling magic system, incredible worldbuilding, and a world-ending threat that feels tangible, unique, and complicated in its motivations.
Kit Rocha’s Deal With The Devil is a fast paced post apocalyptic action-romance following a team of women and a team of men as their lives become interconnected. The women—Nina, Dani, and Maya—are genetically modified librarians recovering digital files of lost books several decades after a solar flare leads to the fall of the United States. The men—Captain Knox, Conall, Gray, and Rafe—are enhanced protectorate soldiers on the run from their former employer, “The TechCorps.” Together, these two unlikely groups team up to achieve a common goal.
You can't help but hear his words—especially with President Obama narrating it himself—and believe he tried his best, even if he made mistakes.
If you’re fascinated with mythology and enjoy a new take on tired tropes then Gods of Jade and Shadow is for you!
Chambers' To Be Taught If Fortunate is a delightfully compelling story of four astronauts and their noble journey to explore exoplanets, not for profit, but for the purpose of gaining knowledge and cataloging the life they find there.
In Talented: A Dystopian Superhero Origin Story, SE MacCready lays the foundation for a world filled with superpowered heroes, villains, and everything in between.
The Hands We’re Given: a brilliantly creative future cyberpunk tale with a romantic twist.
Considering diving into Chernow’s biographies of Hamilton or Washington? Do it. Learn the real story behind the complicated characters of the famous broadway musical.
Promise of Blood: A flintlock fantasy with allusions to the French Revolution, it’s a story worth reading if just for Mihali. Yet there are dozens of other wonderful characters and plots-within-plots, making it one of the most intriguing books I’ve read in recent years.
Time Travel. Trolley Problems. What more needs to be said?